Sunday, June 6, 2010

Chevrolet Chevette 

When the car went into all types of standing water that will suck water into the engine. They fell apart after 40 000 miles. Piece of junk. "
"Really trash like garbage BEFORE it was built."
"It's garbage like this that opens the door for Toyota and Honda. Sad but true."

"I'm sure there's something worse, but in my days with the Chevrolet I saw many problems and many customers are not happy with this disposable car."

Edsel Ford 

 Should it be the ugliest car ever to roll out of Detroit. "
"Talk about the wrong car at the wrong time!"

"The '58 was schizophrenic! Motif front vertical (especially that horrible grating), while the motive behind horizontal."

"One of the most poorly designed and poorly manufactured car of all time."

AMC Matador 

"Looks like a spaceship." You know what that means right

Corvair Chevrolet 

"Less powerful are not safe. I have a chance to ride in one and that's more terrifying than all the rides at Disneyland."
"They're all death traps. If you've got rear ended, they were on fire. If you go to slide sideways, blowing the tires from their rims and rolling."

AMC Gremlin 

"The most dreadful ill-proportioned car of all time."
"This car is a shocker. Subcompact first introduced 1 April 1970 (April Fool). Need we say more?"


Chevrolet Vega 


This coolest of all
"Cheap built, rough running, rough ride, prone to rust. It was without doubt the worst vehicle I have ever had."
"So the next generation of deadly bad for GM and create the initial collapse of the world's largest car.

Pontiac Aztec 


"There must be a front-end design team and the back-end design team. And both teams NEVER spoke to each other!"
"The only cars that can make the pioneer wagon looks good."
"It looks like a mini-dump truck."

Ford Pinto

"If the vehicle is located at the rear, it makes the accident worse than it should have been because the gas tank exploded."
"Junk from the day they built it! Do you see any around where? Not too close to a car collection." Yugo



"You can not scrap-metal money even if it's running."
"The Yugo was a car that was destroyed when you are driving."


AMC Pacer 


"Looks like an aquarium and leaky windows. Add to the roof leaked and the car rusted from the inside out!"
"This is a pregnant roller skate."

"Not only ugly but two different-size front door!"


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